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Herbacross - Swiss - лого
Herbacross - Artemisinin - Сладък пелин
Herbacross | Сладък пелин Artemisinin
Swiss - Швейцария

Viva Cross tablets. Strengthens immune system against viral and bacterial diseases, improves blood circulation and heart health, lowers blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol.

Нобелова награда - Artemisinin

Artemisinin – Nobel prize. Improves immunity. In asthma, anemia, allergies, dermatitis, arthritis, infertility, hepatitis, hemorrhoids, gynecological diseases, gastritis, intestinal, cardiovascular, skeletal.

Viva Cross tablets. Strengthens immune system against viral and bacterial diseases, improves blood circulation and heart health, lowers blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol.

Imuno Cross tablets. Improve the barrier functions of the bronchial mucosa. Increases immunity and supports the healing process in case of flu, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis. Reduces the feeling of fatigue.

40+ tablets. Promotes the growth of new neurons and helps fight various degenerative processes in the brain. Delaying aging. Alzheimer’s disease. Improves memory and attention.

Stress Cross tablets Anti-stress. In extreme environmental conditions, sleep disturbances, anxiety, panic attacks. Improves memory, attention, nervous system. At menopause.

Herbacross Drops lozenges. Artemisinin + Lemon balm Oil. Against viruses and bacteria. Local action against infections of the throat, oral cavity, oral mucosa, gums.

Nobel Prize


The 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded for the discovery of Artemisinin, which led to new treatments for some of the most devastating parasitic diseases.

The Nobel Foundation in 2015 said: „These discoveries have provided humanity with powerful new tools to combat these debilitating diseases, which affect hundreds of millions of people each year. The consequences for improving human health and reducing suffering are immeasurable „- Revolutionary Nobel Prizes in Medicine

Нобелова награда - Artemisinin
Herbacross - сертификат

What is Artemisinin used for

The ancient Chinese 2000 years ago treated fever and malaria with Artemisia annua, Sweet Wormwood (Artemesinin).

Guaranteed results
Herbacross stands behind the reputation of its product. Try it and you will wish you had discovered it earlier. 2000 years of knowledge and experience of Aremisinin are presented in a form of a tablet.

In addition to malaria, the herb is extremely effective against:

  • bacterial infections such as:
    • dysentery
    • tuberculosis
    • problems caused by parasites and mites
  • tumor problems
  • fungal infections
  • viral infections
  • even the common cold
  • helps with upset stomach, fever, hepatitis, psoriasis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and other autoimmune disorders. The herb:
    • restores appetite
    • recovery of vascular disorders
    • gallbladder disorders
    • relieves stomach pain, painful menstruation, rheumatism
    • relieves stomach pain, painful menstruation, rheumatism

Why is Artemisinin so valuable?

Artemisinin Herbacross 530 mg is a dietary supplement. Artemisinin are unique more powerful herbal tablets with active phytomolecules. Helps to improve the immune system and the overall functionality of the body. It is a concentrated herbal substance with high potency. The herbal content is 90% of the tablet. It saves hundreds of millions of lives each year in the fight against malaria and tropical diseases. Highest level of safety, no known side effects.

Is it costly to use Artemisinin?

Exceptional value
Herbacross Artemisinin tablets include the largest amount of bioactive compounds in one 530 mg tablet. The bottle contains 100 tablets. One bottle is enough for more than 3 months.

0,50 EUR per day
The tablet has the lowest cost per milligram of active ingredients. The daily serving costs EUR 0.50. This is a good deal for a healthy life.

Is Artemisinin safe?

Is Artemisinin Safe?
Artemisinin Herbacross is from a special Swiss herbal selection. This selection provides a higher value of bioactive compounds per tablet. Herbacross grows the herb on its own farm in the wild with the highest purity and unique quality.

100% organic, pure, vegan, no GMO
free of GMO, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, gluten. All ingredients are 100% vegan. It does not contain sweeteners, artificial flavors, wheat, gluten, salt, milk, eggs, fish, shells or wood nut ingredients.

How is Artemisinin produced?

Special production
The product is manufactured in a certified, registered and compliant factory according to ISO 22000.2006 and ISO 9001.2015.

Production technology
used special production technology to preserve all phytomolecules of the plant. The tablets have a unique structure with an easily soluble surface layer and a hard core. This leads to a controlled release of substances in the right places. It works where it should – in the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach and intestines. The qualities of the herb are preserved for two years. Improves your immune system and overall body function. Highest level of safety, no known side effects.

Herbacross - Artemisinin - Сладък пелин

Sweet wormwood (Artemisia annua) was among the favorites in the fight against SARS-CoV in 2002

A publication in ScienceDirect shows that Sweet Wormwood (Artemisia annua) was a favorite in the fight against SARS-CoV in 2002. At that time, more than 200 medicinal plant extracts in China were tested for antiviral activity against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome associated with coronavirus (SARS). -CoV). The results of Artemisia annua are almost identical to the first ranked Lycoris radiata.
Herbacross - World Health Organization

Is it possible for the traditional Chinese herb Artemisia annua to fight COVID-19?

In conclusion, the traditional Chinese herb Artemisia annua is possible to combat COVID-19. However, much more work needs to be done to support the evidence, including its safety and efficacy in combating COVID-19.
Herbacross - CNN

CNN – Indonesia

In conclusion, the traditional Chinese herb Artemisia annua is possible to combat COVID-19. However, much more work needs to be done to support the evidence, including its safety and efficacy in combating COVID-19.
Herbacross - News Medical Life Sciences

Artemisia annua alternative to SARS vaccines?

Artemisia annua stops SARS replication. „If subsequent clinical trials are successful, A. annua could potentially serve as a safe therapy that can be provided globally at a reasonable cost and offer an alternative to vaccines,“ concluded the team at Columbia University in New York, University of Washington and Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
Уважаеми клиенти, в резултат на бурната реакция и многото въпроси относно изваждането на Сладък пелин от списъка с разрешени съставки, ви представяме нашите разяснения. В сила е незабавна забрана за продажба в България на Сладък пелин и продуктите с него. Забраната идва в момент, когато се доказа, че Сладък пелин помага в превенцията и лечението на COVID 19 и би могло да бъде алтернатива на ваксините… >> покажи повече

About Artemisinin

Herbacross is the market leader in the region, producing the Artemisinin tablet with a unique technological structure. Special production technology is used to preserve all phytomolecules of the plant. The qualities of the herb are preserved for a long time. As a result, it acts where it is most needed – the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach and intestines. Trust an ingredient, a Nobel laureate is a guarantee of success! Choose the right care for yourself, close to nature

Almost all diseases are caused by parasites

Most human diseases have been shown to be caused by parasites. By cleansing the body of parasites, all functions in the body are improved.
Herbacross’s Artemisinin has inhibitory effects against parasites, viruses, fungi and bacteria, it has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects and has been used to treat osteoarthritis, leukemia, colon cancer, renal cell carcinoma, breast cancer, non-small cell lung cancer liver, prostate specific.

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    Herbacross - Worcester Polytechnic Institute
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    Herbacross - Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
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